Butthurt individual #1 says:
I will get right on that "Liar" and then we can all call her up in St. Pete, Fl and say - "Hi Ms. **** we are calling from the internetz and we are just wanting to confirm that you represent a Mr. *****. Can you confirm this for the internetz or not Ms. ****?" LOL
Butthurt individual #2 says:
Butthurt Anon - Where in the blog post does it mention that the individual and his lawyer were planning on sending out subpoenas or filing lawsuits?
Didn't think so, so no there is no reason to hold your breath.

Butthurt individual #3 says:
Post It Note: Would you like for me to post my SS# as well?

Butthurt individual #4 says:
Well "Lovepoo" you have nothing to worry about if you don't come here and if you do just don't be doing anything you shouldn't be doing, right?
And besides, I have nothing to hide, so why wouldn't I grant access to a "Nosy" attorney as you call her?

To sum it up - the trolls are dying to get their hands on this attorneys name and number so that they can start their internet harassment campaign. Just look at their past history related to an attorney involved in a civil lawsuit against one of their own. I'm sure the attorney could handle herself but I will not give the trolls any kind of information that is going to lead them to her.

If you trolls are any good at sleuthing people then you should be able to sleuth this attorney with no problem. I'm sure she would love to hear from you! 

Am I the only one who finds HB's obsession with this 15 yr old kid, Cody Saltsman, disturbing? Its not normal for a 48 yr old woman to be stalking a 15 yr old kids youtube channel and twitter page.
Anyone else remember the temper tantrum HB had when her daughter was mentioned in several blogs and how HB claimed those ppl were "Stalking" her daughter? Its clear to anyone with half a brain cell that HB is now stalking this kid Cody Saltsman.
@Parent From Steubenville - Agreed! Her obsession is a weird one & that's being nice. The one thing you have to remember about Holly "moo moo" Briley is the rules that she wants others to live by are not the same rules that she lives by.
HB believes she has her own rules to live by...she can bash but others cannot.. She is a nasty, evil person!
The name "Bril*y" makes me vomit! Notice I couldn't even spell it out without getting nauseous.