It has been brought to my attention that a few people are questioning my last blog post about Prinnie being hospitalized.
What Radio is referring to is the screenshot I posted clearly showing that at the time Prinnie claims to have been in some hospital somewhere in a far, far away place someone logged in from her IP address and was reading here at ol' Stinky's blog but in my defense I did say -
"Well folks if this is true then I wish Prinnie a fast and full recovery but I have to say - I have my doubts and I will show you why."
And I still have my doubts but no one has to prove anything to me or anyone else for that matter. I'm just calling BULLSHIT on this one!
But since Radio wants to question it - Looks like me got some 'splainin to do so Radio understands how this internet stuff "werks" (LOL).
Don't stress it Radio I'm also including lots of pictures to make it easier for ya! 

I shall start with the original screenshot that I posted showing that Prinnie or someone from her IP was indeed on this blog at the time of her hospital visit.
Next I will show you the page where the above screenshot was taken from:
Radio says that I Photoshopped the screenshot showing that Prinnie was on my blog at the time she (Prinnie) claims to be in the hospital. What is Photoshopped about it? The only thing I did was highlight the date and time showing that she (Prinnie) or someone was logged in from her IP and on this blog.
Radio tried to make a funny by saying - "He must think the ISP keeps track of the nickname Prinnie uses - and probably the one you use too!" That almost got a chuckle outta me, I said ALMOST!
Radio let me explain to you how this "Werks." Do you see in the screenshots where it says "Label IP Address?"
Do you understand now Radio how it "Werks?"

But wait there's more - now I will attempt to show you how I know it was Prinnie without revealing too many of my secrets. This is just an example:
You can see from those screenshots above that I can tell you almost everything that particular user did while they were on this blog. That is how I know that Prinnie or someone using her IP logged into this blog on the date and time seen in the screenshot posted above.
No Photoshop and no hoax at least not on my part. Now can Prinnie say the same?

But as I have said before if its true and Prinnie is in fact in the hospital and really sick I wish her a speedy recovery.

I did take into account the time difference between where I live (CST. time) and where Prinnie resides (EST. time) and it still doesn't add up.