Even Prinnie herself sent out tweets letting everyone know that she was in the hospital:
Well folks if this is true then I wish Prinnie a fast and full recovery but I have to say - I have my doubts and I will show you why.
Notice the dates of the tweets - Nov. 19th. Next I'm going to show you a screenshot taken where Prinnie visited this blog and pay close attention to the date and time.
If you go to Prinnie's twitter account you will see that on the 20th she claims that she is STILL in a hospital.....hmmmm.......I could be wrong but if you are in a hospital and using their WiFi wouldn't their IP and service provider be the one to show up not yours Prinnie?
So this morning I took to Prinnie's twitter account and I found the answer to my question - Prinnie does claim to be using the hospitals WiFi service.
So why is her home IP showing up when she is supposed to be seriously ill in the hospital? Just so happens I know the answer to that one as well - The first hearing for the civil suit filed against her is scheduled for Monday the 26th at 9:00 am and this could very well be a way for Prinnie to avoid her accuser.
This is going to be very interesting to say the least (LOL).

Looks like the other defendants are going to be on their own if Prinnie has her way.
What a POS!!
Puulleez she's not in hospital. She's hiding.
Sandra Goddard once took part in a hoax where she was portrayed to be a German Porn Star.
This is a blog article where I wrote one of Three articles about this incident.
If she is willing to be part of a hoax portraying herself as a German Porn star, it is not hard to imagine her pretending to be in a hospital with a serious infection in order to garner pity for her being sued.
how do you ban an ip address from visiting your site?