The Ruling Is In And Someone Is Yelling "CORRUPTION!"

Posted: Nov 01, 2012 7:42 AM EDT Updated: Nov 01, 2012 2:15 PM EDT Update

Hamilton County Judge Thomas Lipps has ruled two Steubenville teens charged with rape, will be tried as juveniles.

Judge Lipps just released the two from detention after they have been in the facility for more than two months.

The judge said they will be electronically monitored by probation officers and will have to attend a court alternative school during the week.

There are other restrictions from the judge.

The teens are allowed to go to school, church and to places only if there parents are taking them.

As for their release, Judge Lipps said the rehabilitation services are well adapted and well prepared to deal with them.

''But this doesn't mean this isn't  a serious crime and they could be placed back in jail at any time.' said Judge Lipps.

A pre- trial hearing is set for December 14 at 10:30 a.m.

Prosecutors called one witness Thursday, the victim's mother to talk about what her daughter has gone through.

One of the defense attorneys called character witnesses for one of the two teens .

They included two football coaches, and a guardian who testified about the one teen's academic records and various awards he has won.

The other defense attorney is presenting character witnesses as well Thursday afternoon.

The two Steubenville Big Red students were originally charged with rape and kidnapping back in 

August when a juvenile and her parents reported the incident to police.

In October, the kidnapping charge was dropped at their probable cause hearing.  

Judge Thomas Lipps
 And because Judge Lipps didn't do things the 'Prinnie' way, he has now became her latest target.

Bad Idea

Why can't people just let these things work their way through the justice system without resorting to calling either the lawyers or the judges "Corrupt?" 




  1. Anonymous

    She pulled the same stunt with the original judge that was assigned the case.

    Maybe someone should notify Judge Lipps and make him aware of the serious accusations being leveled at his office?

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