I can see wanting to bring rapists to justice but is there really a need to pass around a picture that was taken of the rape victim after the crime occurred and while she is unconscious? Isn't that raping her all over again? Sure her face has been blurred out but what is the reason behind posting such a horrible and graphic photo of a young girl that had just been raped?
The people who are spreading this disgusting photo around the internet are in reality no better than the actual people who took part in raping that young lady. In fact you are GUILTY of raping this young lady--- AGAIN!
If that were your child how would you feel knowing that someone is passing around a photo of her in that situation? Better yet, how would you feel if that were YOU that had just been raped and someone was posting that photograph all over the internet for the whole world to see? Something to think about. So why are you doing it to this young girl?
It's one thing to post the pictures and names of the boys accused but to post and spread around such a vile and disgusting picture of a young girl that had just been raped, well that shows just how mentally ill these people, Prinnie, Radio and Executioner, really are.

Thank you for posting this. I don't know much about Prinnie other than the post I put up about the lawsuit but you are 100% correct about posting that picture being a douchebag move. I'm ashamed of having reposted it myself now.