How Can Someone Delete A Video From Someone Else's YouTube Channel? #ASSHAT...LOL

In this twitter rant you can see that the person tweeting claims that a YouTube video had been deleted from an account that they claim is owned by Cody Saltsman.

This is a screenshot of the video that was taken from the YouTube channel of the person who uploaded the video. That's wasn't Cody Saltsman who uploaded the video in question and it hasn't been deleted as claimed.

Next I'll show you the big deal being made about the comments that the young man left on the video.
Wow imagine that a teenager fighting at a concert but the big question is - "Who started it?"

Well Stinky got the answer to that question as well but some people might not like what they read.    
Yep - that's right looks like the guy everyone is hating on didn't start the fight after all.

Now what's the lesson that should be learned from this lonely housewife's twitter rant?

"Make sure you fact check everything before shooting off your mouth because if you don't you may just come out looking like a true asshat."   


  1. Anonymous

    Hey Stinky...where are you? It has been a week since we heard from you!

  2. Anonymous

    I'm posting this again concerning a past post!

    I have a HUGE question. I'm assuming that "Ward Cleaver" is the person that used to go by "Leaveittobeaver" on Some of the most vile comments I've ever read. Then I recently saw an apology to Murt on his blog from LITB. THEN I saw a new blog up by LITB. I was VERY excited about the truth coming out, whatever that may be. So sick of all this fighting and figured the truth would, at least, put a dent into all of it.

    I was reading LITB's blog and it was awesome. He/She slammed the commenters threatening him, etc. apparently the threats came from Holly Briley's home town in Ohio.

    Well, LeaveItToBeaver had me on the edge of my seat waiting for the big reveal.... Only to never post another word on his/her blog again! Very disappointing. WHAT HAPPENED? I want the rest of the story.

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